Applicants Make Pitch for CPC Funds

The Mattapoisett Community Preservation Commission reviewed the applications of several projects looking for 2015 CPC funding on December 18, when applicants gave commission members the details of their proposals, hoping that they will receive the CPC’s support.

The role of the CPC is to decide how to spread Town Meeting approved taxpayer funds reserved specifically for community preservation among several interests: housing, recreation, historical preservation, and open space.

The commission reviewed seven applications that evening, altogether requesting a total of $469,230. Town Meeting has approved allotting $94,883 for Housing Reserve; $55,285 for Historical Reserve; and $29,883 for Open Space Reserve. The Designated Reserve currently has $99,070; the Undesignated Reserve is currently at a total of $87,640; and an additional $146,999 is available from the tax-override.

One application is under further review, pending recommendation from the Mattapoisett Historical Society deeming the Friends Meeting House a historical asset to the town. Project Manager Deena Kinsky of the Mattapoisett Friends is seeking $146,980 “or any part thereof,” for the major restoration project of the 1827 building.

The Mattapoisett Bike Path Committee is seeking $25,000 to cover the cost of ongoing engineering fees, permitting fees, design work, and an environmental impact study for Phase 1B of the Shining Tides Mile of the bike path.

The Bike Path Committee also requests $17,000 for the preliminary design for Phase 2 to connect the bike path with Marion.

The Mattapoisett Historical Society is seeking $10,000 to go toward its cataloging project to continue its ongoing conservation and cataloging of its archives.

The Historical Society also requested $22,750 for the restoration and refinishing of the original windows of its historic 1821 building.

The Town of Mattapoisett applied for $7,500 to replace the wooden split rail fence on two sides of the waterfront at Shipyard Park.

The Town also applied for funding to go towards the short wharf fender repairs as part of the Historic Town Wharves restoration project. The Town requested funding for three different options: Option A requests $130,000; Option B requests $70,000; and Option C is a request for a total of $240,000 for the project.

The CPC is in what it considers Phase 2 of the review process for selecting which projects will receive CPC funding. Michael Gagne, town administrator, still needs to give his presentations to the commission regarding the two applications for the Town.

During a follow-up interview, CPC Chairman John DeCosta said the commission is a little more behind in the process than in previous years, by about a month. DeCosta said that by February, the commission will have scored each project using the point system it uses to evaluate each project to determine which projects are at the top of the priority list.

“And then it becomes a matter of which we can afford and where we draw the line with that,” said DeCosta. Looking at the big picture, he added, “We may have enough money, but we might not have enough between accounts,” to fund all the projects within their categories, he stated.

After it selects which projects to fund, the CPC will forward its recommendations to the selectmen before Town Meeting in May.

“Town Meeting will make the final approval,” stated DeCosta.

The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Community Preservation Commission is scheduled for January 15 at 6:30 pm at Center School.

By Jean Perry


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