Most business before the Conservation Commission was dispatched with all due speed with little need for debate or discussion. However, several other agenda items got bogged down and found the board, the applicants, and the public still seated as the clock struck 10 o’clock.
Those agenda items requiring lengthy dialogue were two residential projects and one commercial venture.
Leisure Shores applicant Robert Ringuette was once again before the board attempting to receive some permitting for marina activities that abut or take place in wetlands and waterways. Ringuette’s business and the impact on this beach neighborhood has seen ongoing complaints from abutters and other residents in the area. Further, numerous requests from various town boards and governing bodies have gone unanswered or insufficiently responded to. This night, Ringuette was in front of the board to address the enforcement order he had received and attempt to get the board to allow him to continue business as usual. That did not happen. Instead, the board learned that he would be appealing the enforcement order while still trying to come to terms with all the complaints before him.
Horace Field, recently retired harbormaster, commented on the issue of Styrofoam floats that had been used on some of the floating docks at the site: “The harbormaster’s office is not going to back down!” He said the town should not have to put up with the disintegrating floats and the associated debris that entangles itself in the surrounding marshlands.
Raymond LaFleur of Brandt Island Road said, “I’ve been looking at this for 10 years, and the pictures only tell part of the tale.” He went on to say that although some clean-up work appears to be taking place, it isn’t happening fast enough, nor does it appear that sufficient investment is being made in the effort.
Board member Bob Rogers stated, “Its like we are playing catch-up … if you want us to do your work, it will be a slow and tedious process.” He noted that if that was the case, the board could hire an outside consultant to assist the applicant to achieve compliance but at the cost of the applicant.
Chairman Peter Newton told Ringuette that he needed to button up his paperwork along with providing various documented assurances such as size of the septic, boat-washing pad, and water management, parking, and list of all the site activities.
Ringuette was given 30 days to return with documents that can support his request for continuation of his business that comply with the town’s wetland protection rules, certification of application to state waterways authorities, and a DEP file number.
Another hearing taking considerable time to resolve came from Daniel and Daneen Eilertsen of 20 Water Street. Their massive restoration project that includes the grounds, proposed in-ground pool, stone jetty, and sea walls was viewed overall as an asset to the village. The discussions regarded the retaining walls, fill, and storm conditions that might impact the seaside residence. Eilertsen was returning with modified plans, which now expand some previously approved patio spaces and the need to bring in stones and fill for retaining wall construction. After careful review of the revised plans, the board approved them.
The next project that needed lots of time to resolve was one brought before the board by Kevin and Lisa Geraghty, 24 Pine Island Road, who were returning with revised plans. Their first run at receiving the blessing of the Conservation Commission came up against objections of one abutter, Robert Tweety, represented by Bill Madden of Madden Engineers.
The project ‘s scope is to expand the 170-year-old home and install an in-ground pool with multi-level patio system. Madden cited guidelines from the Massachusetts wetlands regulations regarding activities on riverfront areas; he stated that the project exceeded the square footage allowed. The overall work is planned to encompass approximately 7,500 square feet, whereas the regulation specifies only 5,000 square feet. Madden also noted that the impervious area would also exceed requirements, since it was going to be 100% of the total. He also complained that drainage would not be sufficient to guard against storm-water runoff invading Tweety’s property
After considerable debate between Madden and several members of the board, including his contention that the board didn’t have a quorum to vote on the project, the board did approve the project with conditioning. It was decided that a standing lip would be construction around the pool to insure water was not escape and flood neighboring properties during heavy storms.
Other projects that moved positively through the process more quickly were:
David Nicolosi, Deer Woods subdivision, for a small wording modification for the conditions of work he is undertaking; Donald and Janet Meyer, 8 Upland Way, to build a garden shed; Ann Alden Allen, 118 Aucoot Road, four-bedroom addition to existing structure; YMCA, 38 Reservation Rd., to move ball field to make way for the bike path was allowed to move forward once confirmation that the Reservation Golf Club was notified; Kelly and James Hoye, 7 Ripple St. to demolish existing structure and construct new dwelling; request for certificate of compliance by Taylor Seafood, Nasketucket Bay, placement of buoys.
Request for certificate of compliance requested by D & P Builders, 3 Nantucket Dr., was declined due to the as built drawing of the driveway in question not conforming to previously submitted plans.
The next Conservation Commission meeting is scheduled for October 28, 6:30 pm.
By Marilou Newell