Alfresco Dining Approved in Mattapoisett

            On June 11 the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen approved plans to reopen restaurants to customers by offering them outdoor seating. For most of the restaurants in town, outdoor seating was either limited or not offered in the past. Now with the state’s COVID-19 guidelines expanded to include on-site dining in an outdoor setting, many local restaurants have adapted outdoor spaces for alfresco dining.

            Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said that site visits attended by members of the Board of Health, Building Department, Fire and Police Departments, along with himself, included review of safety protocols with business owners and their staff, and relevant state-issued Phase 2 reopening guidelines. Those guidelines include but are not limited to tables being six-feet apart, no more than six diners to a table, no customers standing at bars, all customers must be seated, no gathering of unseated customers, directional movement to minimize close contact, staggered work shifts, face coverings worn by all customers and service providers, and hygiene protocols for food handlers. The complete list of guidelines may be found at

            Lorenco said that where there were concerns with tables being in close proximity to moving traffic, jersey barriers had been positioned. Also, when necessary, restaurant staff vehicles might also be used as barriers to ensure customers park in designated areas and that vehicles move in a single direction.

            Reading to the selectmen from a prepared statement, Lorenco said that officials had met with Turks, Rustico, Oxford Creamery, Golf House (Bay Club), Walrus & Captain, Mattapoisett Diner, Inn at Shipyard Park, and Tastebuds. “The team reviewed the location of tents, table limits and spacing, hygiene and cleaning procedures, and most importantly outdoor safety measures,” he read. Continuing on Lorenco said, “Since much of the outdoor seating will be in parking lots and other high-traffic areas, the team has recommended the use of employee cars to be used as barriers to protect patrons. In addition, the Town has placed five jersey barriers in areas of high concern.” He assured the selectmen that the combined town officials were satisfied with business accommodations for outdoor food service and asked that the selectmen also grant permission for alcohol service for those restaurants with approved ABCC permits.

            The selectmen had stated in their previous meeting that they were eager to give businesses the opportunity to reopen and wished to support those efforts. They unanimously approved all plans before them.

Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen

By Marilou Newell

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