It may be too early to label Nemo the storm of the century, but it’s certain that this storm will be remembered for some time to come. As the Tri-town starts the long task of cleaning up, there’s lots of important things too remember to stay safe.
All three towns have or are working to open shelters for those who are without power and heat. In Rochester the shelter, located at the Senior Center on Dexter Lane, was opened on Friday. In Marion a shelter has been opened at Sippican School The shelter for Marion has been moved to ORR High School, and in Mattapoisett the Police Department is working to open a shelter in Center School as they have been having trouble with the generator at the High School which is the typical site for their storm shelter. In all three instances folks are able to visit the shelter to warm up, charge cell phones and even stay over as needed. All the towns are doing their best to see that people get the help they need. In Marion those in need of transport to the shelter can cal the police department for assistance at 508-748-1212.
All emergency services departments were non stop with calls for assistance during he storm and emergency officials want to remind people that just because the storm has ended, the danger is not past. Chief Miller of the Marion Police Department stated that many wires had been downed in the storm and then buried by snow and urges those cleaning up to be careful. Deputy Chief Walter Morgado of the Mattapoiett Fire Department is concerned about incidents occurrpeppered power is restored and people try and stay warm. He reported that there was a structure fire during the storm on Brandt Island Road and that the potential for more incidents is high with the damage the area sustained.
Nstar electric does not have a good estimate on when power will be fully restored to the area. The initial reports are that power may not be restored for four or five days as the primary feed for the area was damaged by the storm.
Those using generators are urged to make sure they follow the safety guidelines outlined in the owners manuals to be safe. Improperly connected generators can feed power into downed lines and generators which are near enclosed areas can cause a build up of carbon monoxide which is poisonous.
Most roads in the area remain unpassable due to low hanging wires and downed trees and a driving ban is still in effect so that emergency workers can continue thier efforts to clear the damage. Emergency staff are hoping that everyone stays at home unless they are in need of assistance and urge them to check in on their neighbors to make sure they are well.