Abutter Concerned over Neighbor’s Addition

The January 10 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission found two local business owners in polite disagreement over a proposal for the construction of a storage garage.

            Grace Knox, owner of DG Service Company came before the commission with a Notice of Intent filing for the construction of a storage garage at her place of business located at 23 County Road.

            Representing Knox, Ken Motta of Field Engineering explained in detail that the project would have no impact on abutting properties with respect to natural or manmade drainage features. He said that a longstanding mound of disturbed ground would be removed, leaving a short berm-like structure on one side to ensure water flow would not impact the neighboring parking area of Sandra Dawson’s real estate office.

            After Motta concluded his presentation, Dawson rose to present concerns centering around current water-flow issues that she said were created when Knox built an addition and a potential for increased drainage onto her property should the garage be built.

            Motta addressed Dawson’s concerns, but Dawson wanted assurances that the proposed construction wouldn’t create more issues on her property. Motta presented photographic evidence that, prior to the addition, Dawson’s property experienced historic water issues and that, in fact, drainage features on Knox’s property was helping improve matters on Dawson’s property.

            Motta said that water on Dawson’s property was not coming from Knox’s side but from Dawson’s own land. “None of the runoff from Grace’s property will go on your property,” he said.

            Chairman Mike King added, “This is a pretty low-impact project.” He said water was flowing in a southwesterly direction in what he described as a “sheet flow.” He said he had made two site visits and that Dawson has the right to appeal the commission’s decision. “You can appeal to the DEP, but if they give a superseding order of conditions you’ll be dealing with the state, not the local commission.”

            The NOI received an order of conditions including a special condition for an operation and maintenance plan for the drainage system.

            The commission issued a Negative Determination of Applicability to Pedro Yae De Leon, 151 Fairhaven Road, for the abandonment of an existing cesspool and connection to the public sewer system.

            Also receiving a negative decision for a filed RDA was a request for the construction of a timber trellis over an existing patio owned by James and Dale Barnes, 69 Mattapoisett Neck Road.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, January 24, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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