A Short Continuance

The Marion Zoning Board of Appeals met briefly on Thursday, March 13 for a continuance for a request of the owners of 6 Cole Road for a Special Permit. The permit request, if granted, would allow for the demolition and subsequent reconstruction of a non-conforming single-family dwelling. The new construction would not increase non-conformity but would increase the dwelling’s overall volume and area.

            Robert Grillo, Building Commissioner, apologized for being absent at the last meeting and explained the unique issues and clarified some confusion regarding the property and two lots at 6 Cole Road. Through looking at old zoning maps, one from 1974 and one from 1999, Grillo explained the residence zoning had been changed from A to C and that both lots are conforming and “met all criteria.” It was also stated the Special Permit request is for only the front setback and not the sides. The Special Permit request, following Grillo’s explanation, was approved unanimously as presented.

            A request for comment from the Planning Board was also brought up for 63 Oakdale Avenue with a hearing to be held on April 7. Will Tifft explained “nobody in the immediate area has any concerns.” Following those comments, the meeting was concluded.

            The next meeting of the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals was not discussed at adjournment.

Marion Zoning Board of Appeals

By Sam Bishop

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