Rochester’s Planning Board began its meeting Tuesday with an informal discussion of a plan for another large ground-mounted solar array in town, this one on Snipatuit Road proposed by Logging Swamp Solar LLC.
The applicant’s representative, Zak Markes of ReWild Renewables, noted his company is behind four other proposed large solar installations in town. This Snipatuit Road project, he said, would cover 35 acres of a 2,000-acre wooded property bordered on one side by Northern Avenue and surrounded by a 350-acre swamp. He described the property as undeveloped woodland with a few houses nearby. He said this array would ‘piggyback’ onto the power grid with the company’s other projects, which are on Featherbed Lane, Braley Hill Road and also Snipatuit Road. He said the installation is being designed to be 100 percent outside of wetland jurisdiction areas. A Notice of Intent will be filed with the Conservation Commission only for a couple of points on the access road. The company hopes to begin construction by the spring of 2026.
Initial questions from the Planning panel included where the power supply will come from and asking what the energy battery storage system will be. Markes said the power lines will start at utility poles on the road then go underground. A 2.5-megawatt energy battery storage system will be installed.
Board chair Arnold Johnson’s only comment was to remind Markes that a $5,000 check for the project’s 53G account will be required with the formal application. Markes concluded by saying, “The goal is to incorporate your feedback into the application.”
Next, the board reviewed the site plan review and special permit draft decision for the 214 Rounsville Road Eversource substation but delayed a vote for two reasons.
First, Eversource representative Heather Sykes asked for a change in the draft language. She said the company will have to use heavy lift crane equipment for a portion of the work and it will be difficult to find ones that use bio-hydrological fluids, a Planning Board requirement for machinery used at the site. She asked if the permit language could include waivers to the fluid mandate for that equipment alone. Johnson and the board agreed to insert this language. Secondly, Johnson said a final decision on the draft had to be delayed because two members who could vote on it were missing. The approval vote will be at the board’s next meeting.
The Rochester Planning Board’s next meeting will be Tuesday, March 25 at 7:00 pm at Town Hall, 1 Constitution Way.
Rochester Planning Board
By Michael J. DeCicco