On Thursday, June 9, YMCA Southcoast held its 149th Annual Meeting at the Mattapoisett YMCA, overlooking the beautiful Mattapoisett Harbor. Peter Bullard, Chairman of the Board and member of the Board Development Committee, recapped the Y’s 2015 year as highlighted in the annual report.
YMCA Southcoast recognized its outstanding volunteers and employees with special awards and gratitude. James Scherer, President and CEO of YMCA SOUTHCOAST honored Geoffrey Swett as YMCA Southcoast’s “Volunteer of the Year.” Geoff has served as a member of the board for YMCA Southcoast and has been a driving force in helping to recruit community leaders and supporters for the Y. His commitment to the association and expanding the awareness of the Y’s mission in the community were contributing factors to Geoff being chosen for this award.
Nancy L. Bonell, COO/VP of Operations presented the “Employee of the Year” Award to Raymond Prevost from the Fall River YMCA. Executive Directors from each of YMCA Southcoast’s six branches recognized individuals who best represented the “Spirit of the Y” for their branch with an Outstanding Volunteer Award.
– Anne Burnett – Gleason Family YMCA
– Jack MacDonald – Dartmouth YMCA
– Susan Rodman – New Bedford YMCA
– Bob Kerr – Fall River YMCA
– Susan Shallies and Kathy Langevin – Mattapoisett YMCA
– Donna Frank – Stoico/FIRSTFED YMCA
Rhonda Veugen, Development Director, spoke about how the new Y nationwide branding and marketing is helping to define the Y’s mission: allowing everyone the opportunity to be healthy, feel supported and to thrive. In following the Y’s mission, two young scholars were presented with scholarships to continue with their higher education. Lauren Harper was presented with the Dr. Samuel W McFadden II scholarship and Marissa Bolton received the Dr. Robert H. Goodwin Memorial Scholarship.
The following individuals were voted in as officers of YMCA Southcoast at the meeting: Peter C. Bullard, Chairman; Geoffrey Swett, First Vice Chairperson; Margaret D. Xifaras, Second Vice Chairperson; Dr. Brian K. Bowcock, Treasurer; David W. Wright, Clerk. The Board Development Committee of YMCA Southcoast also elected Joseph R. Costa, Thomas P. Crotty, Steven H. Galavotti, Irving J. Goss, Marc Haslam, Michelle Keith, Cary LeBlanc, Nancy McFadden, Elaine Robertson, Geoffrey Swett and Margaret D. Xifaras to a two-year term on the Board of Directors.