The Sustainability Partnership celebrated Earth Day with a hearty troupe of local citizens who cleaned up the town despite the raw weather on Saturday, April 20. Even though it started out foggy and drizzly, eighteen groups of people showed up at the Mattapoisett Free Library, took bags, gloves and grabbers and walked around town picking up trash. The weather quickly deteriorated, but volunteers didn’t seem to notice the pouring rain. One woman gathered four 50-lb bags of trash just from walking from the library to Route. 6.
The Lucci family, including dad Rob, and children Brooke, Philip, Georgia and Violet in the stroller, pitched in from the post office on Route 6 and back down to Water Street.
Dakota, Lynne and Drew Nahigyan were dressed for the rain and used recycled bags to clean up a street in the eastern part of town.
Four board members representing the Friends of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail, Jenn Wong, Liz DiCarlo, Dick Grahn and Ann Bryant, all pitched in and covered a large area that is enjoyed by many.
According to Ann Bryant, “In spite of the weather, it was a productive morning. Our original intention was to help the Town clean up the rail trail every spring, but when we saw that the Sustainability Committee was organizing a town-wide effort, we decided to hop on board. It’s always a positive experience when joining a community event for a common cause.”
The Sustainability Partnership thanks everyone who participated and donated to the cause.
Want to help make a difference in the well being of your community? – get involved. The group meets regularly at the Mattapoisett Library, and the next meeting is May 4.