The Marion Scholarship Committee has two funds: The Scholarship Fund raises money for scholarships for graduating high school seniors; the Education Fund helps provide capital expenses for Sippican School. These are difficult times for students, many of whom question their ability to afford college. Administrators at Sippican School are struggling with unforeseen needs. The Scholarship Committee hopes Marion can help.
In the spring of 2019, the Committee had the difficult but happy task of reviewing applications submitted to the Scholarship Fund. After a great deal of discussion, one student was awarded the scholarship. At that time the Committee also was able to provide Sippican School a needed charging cart for Chromebooks, with funds coming from the Education Fund. Little did the Committee realize that the Covid-19 virus would stop their fundraising and their ability to award scholarships and school aid for almost a year.
The Committee is now able to meet again but, due to the need for social distancing, many means of fundraising are not possible. This makes our appeal to the public even more important. The Scholarship Fund and the Education Fund are both entirely made possible through the generosity of Marion citizens. Many people saw the small notice about these funds that was enclosed with the tax bill and responded with donations, and we thank you. We are hopeful that enough money can be raised this year to provide more than one scholarship to deserving high school seniors. In addition, Sippican School is in need of some equipment to better serve students who are learning remotely. The Education Fund will help provide some of this.
If you are able to make a donation of any size it will be greatly appreciated. Please send checks made out to Marion Scholarship Committee, care of Town of Marion 2 Spring Street, Marion, MA 02738. Please indicate whether your donation should go to the Scholarship Fund or the Education Fund. Thank you.