In response to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and in memory of those lost in past school shootings, Tabor students organized a walk out on Friday, April 20, in solidarity with students across the country recognizing the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre.
After placing 18 empty chairs in the Stroud Academic Center Courtyard to represent the 17 lives lost in the Parkland shooting, plus one to symbolize the many others affected by these events, students gathered in the Stroud Lobby of the Academic Center to take part in a silent walk around the turf field during meeting block for 17 minutes, one for each of the 17 victims in Florida.
Student organizers, Owen and Lydia, explained, “While for many participants the day is likely about gun control legislation, we thought others might like to participate to call attention to the tragedy of school shootings or mourn and remember victims in Florida or other schools who suffered.” The students publicly shared instructions in advance for involvement in order to share their vision and to set the tone that this would be a “serious and somber demonstration.”