St. Gabriel’s Raises Funds for Charity

Since September 2014, Sunday School students at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church in Marion raised money for three charities of their choice: the Fairhaven Animal Shelter, care packages to deployed military service members, and Heifer International. Fundraising efforts included selling hand-drawn Christmas card sets, bake sales, and solicitation of direct donations from the congregation. Overall, the children were able to send 22 care packages to sailors, marines, soldiers, and airmen in five overseas deployments and on one aircraft carrier, and raised $5,180 in cash.

On Thursday, May 28 the students gathered at the Fairhaven Animal Shelter to present Animal Control Officer Kelly Massey with a check for $1,727, one-third of their total cash fundraising efforts. The students visited with the cats and dogs currently housed at the shelter, and learned about how their donation would help provide care for the animals. They were even able to name three newborn kittens, which they named Liza (after one student who was celebrating her 8th birthday that day), Nena, and Bo.

The remaining money is being split between Any Soldier Inc., an organization that provides support and care packages to deployed service members, and Heifer International. After the April and May earthquakes in Nepal, the students voted to direct their Heifer funds to that organization’s Nepal Disaster Relief efforts. Each charity received $1,727.

St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church’s Sunday School program runs from September to May for children in preschool through sixth grade. Nursery care for infants and toddlers is open year-round during the 10:00 am service (9:30 am during the summer months). Even though the Sunday School meets next in the fall, there are books, coloring pages, and other activities available for children on Sundays throughout the summer. For more information about the St. Gabriel’s Sunday School program, please contact Christina Bonney at



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