The SouthCoast Toastmaster’s Club, also known as Marion Toastmaster’s Club, will hold an open house, with pizza and light refreshments on Thursday, October 12 from noon to 1:00 pm at the Wareham Free Public Library at 59 Marion Road, Wareham, MA.
Are you frightened of public speaking? Come and experience what happens at a meeting. We are a public speaking, communications and leadership organization that meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month from noon to 1:00 pm.
We have a vocabulary word of the day, a joke of the day, two five- to seven-minute speeches, two extemporaneous speaking sessions and evaluations of what just happened. The meetings are one hour.
Get over your jitters and gain more confidence in your presentation skills. Bring a friend. For more information, call 508-292-6706 or visit our web site at