Since 1947, the Sippican Woman’s Club has awarded scholarships to Marion students. The scholarships are usually funded by proceeds from the Holiday House Tour but this year, due to the pandemic, it was funded by donations from various individuals.
Eligibility: Any Marion resident who is currently a high school senior and will attend an accredited college or university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the coming year.
Criteria: Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities, and community service.
Special Scholarships: The Lu Chevrier Scholarship is awarded to a high school senior with a particularly outstanding record of community service. The Alice Ryder Book Award is presented to the highest-ranking English student in the middle school graduating class.
This year’s application forms can be downloaded in Adobe pdf or MSWord format from the website: High school seniors must use APP-2021. Undergraduates applying for continuing support must use Re-APP-2021 and must have received a prior award.