Sippican Pomona Grange #31 was organized in 1923 by State Grange Deputy Reid Dana Macafee, a Past President of Marion Grange. Last Saturday, over 50 people came together to celebrate the occasion at the Rochester Grange Hall. A delicious baked chicken dinner at 1:00 pm began the festivities. Afterwards, the gathering moved to the main hall where Pomona President Susan LaFleur had Betsy Huber National Grange President escorted to a seat at her right. Also escorted to her right was State Grange President Glenn Gibson and his wife Kathy who is Lady Assistant Steward of the National Grange. The Bible was opened on the Altar followed by the presentation of the Flag and a candle lighting ceremony.
Joshua Cunha, President of Acushnet Grange, acted as emcee for the afternoon. He recognized the many State dignitaries in the hall which included four Past Presidents of the State Grange. Guests came from all over the State as well as Pennsylvania.
Sippican is a regional Grange comprised of six Granges – Acushnet #285, East Freetown #307, Dartmouth Grange #162, Rochester Grange #257, So. Middleboro Grange #337 and Westport Grange #181. A history of each of the Granges was read with State President Glenn Gibson giving a history of Sippican’s 100 years. The names of all past Presidents were read by George Thomas, a past State Grange President and member of Sippican’s Executive Committee. Past Pomona President Elizabeth Gonneville read the names of the past lecturers. National President Betsy Huber congratulated Sippican on its 100 years and spoke briefly on Grange. She was followed by a musical program by Tom & Sheila Perry from Wareham. State Grange President Glenn Gibson, our guest speaker, spoke on the Grange organization and how the organization has endured through the years, while noting its many accomplishments.
A citation received from the Massachusetts General Court was read by Christopher Szkutak, State Grange Legislative Director. The Resolution was signed by Speaker of the House Roland Mariano, House Clerk Steven T. James, Senate President Karen S. Spilka and Michael D. Hurley, Clerk of the Senate. Also signing the Resolution were its sponsors, Representative William M. Straus and Senator Michael J. Rodriques.
The program concluded with a presentation of gifts to our honored guests, refreshments and conversation with our Grange friends.