Rochester Historical Society

From the Rochester Historical Society, a big thank you to all those who supported our August activities. That includes everyone who contributed to the success of our yard sale by donating, pricing, selling, setting up or taking away leftover items.

            Another thank you to the workers and attendees at our first ever Mini-Fair. As you can see from the attached picture, we were excited to share our museum exhibit (supported by the Rochester Cultural Council, a local agency, supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency) with some younger attendees who learned about Rochester history by doing a scavenger hunt. A special thanks goes to Bob St. Onge and Tom Smith whose Metal Detector demonstration was a big hit with young and old.

            So, we appreciate the support of area businesses that donated our raffles, as well as the support of those who baked for us and everyone who bought our bake goods, Rochester items and raffle tickets.

            September is here and in addition to our monthly meeting program, “Mapping Rochester” on September 20, we will also be having an Open House and Cranberry Bake Sale on September 30. More information on both in the coming weeks.

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