The Rochester Country Fair Committee is in the process of transforming the Town owned property located on Pine Street into the Fair’s new fairgrounds. We are very excited about this opportunity and we need your help!
We are enhancing the Fair by transforming it into a four-day family event. By doing so, we will be able to invite local agricultural clubs to participate as well as bring new and exciting events to the Fair. We will be celebrating the Rochester Country Fair August 16 through August 19. Like many local Fairs, there will be entrance fee of $4 on Thursday and $5 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There is no charge for children ages 5 and under. Free parking will be located at both the Fairgrounds as well as at the Rochester Memorial Elementary School with shuttle service.
Spectators can expect to see many of our popular old-fashioned events like Frog Races, Pie Eating and Pie Bake Off Contests, Lawn Mower Races, Woodsman Show, Horseshoe and Fiddle Contests, Parade, etc. What’s new is a Professional Wrestling Event featuring former WWE Wrestling Champions, Stone Boat Antique Tractor Pulling, Mass Mini Modified Pulling and Pedal Tractor Pulling for the children. We would also like to construct a few small buildings to house an agricultural exhibit that will include antique farming and cranberry harvesting equipment.
The costs associated with preparing the new fairgrounds are extensive with donations only coming from fundraisers and supporters like you. Installation of electrical service, septic system and roadways are needed.
We are seeking support and in-kind donations to help us achieve our goal to continue to hold our 13th Annual Rochester Country Fair at our new location in August 2012. If you feel that you are able to contribute to this worthwhile project in any way, we will graciously accept any support you can provide.
Please contact David Souza at 508-989-3898 or email us at if you are able to donate your time or materials that would be helpful to the development of the fairgrounds. Monetary donations are also very much needed and appreciated.
Donations can be sent to: Rochester Country Fair, P.O. Box 321, Rochester, MA 02770.
Please visit our website often for additional information.