Rochester Council on Aging

Rochester Council on AgingThe full monthly newsletter and calendar are available on our website and on our Facebook page at

            On Saturday, June 1, the Rochester Senior Center is taking a trip to Watertown, MA for the Greek Festival. The bus will leave at 9:00 am and return to Rochester at approximately 5:00 pm. Admission to the festival is free. Enjoy authentic Greek food, music, and dancing. All are welcome to attend. Please reserve a seat on the bus by signing up in advance. 

            The Rochester Council on Aging Board of Directors will hold a monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 5at 9:00 am. Rochester residents are welcome to attend. 

            The monthly Veteran’s Social will be held on Thursday, June 6 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Rochester Senior Center. All veterans are welcome to attend this informal gathering. Refreshments are provided. This is a free event.

            On Saturday, June 8, the Rochester Senior Center is going to the Plymouth Food Truck Festival at Cordage Park Waterfront in Plymouth. The bus will leave Rochester at 11:00 am and return at approximately 5:00 pm. Admission to this event is free. There will be many artisans and a variety of food. Please sign up in advance.

            Conversational French is suspended until the end of summer. This very popular activity will resume in the fall.

            The Friends of the Rochester Senior Center would like to remind members that annual dues are due. Dues are $10.00 per person. Members receive a membership card and 10% off Friends dinners held at the Senior Center. Membership is tax deductible. 

            RIDES: We provide free transportation for Rochester residents. Please call for a ride with one of our friendly drivers at least 24 hours in advance so we can schedule a driver.

Please contact us at the Senior Center at 508-763-8723 for more information or to make reservations for rides and/or events. 

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