Please note that the Senior Center will be closed on Monday, April 15 for Patriot’s Day and Friday, April 19th closing at 2:00 pm for Good Friday.
Senior Book Club meets at the Rochester Senior Center on Tuesday, April 16 at 10:15 am. The discussion will be led by the Library Director. The book being discussed this month is, The Muralist, written by B.A. Shapiro.
Please join us for Good Friday Supper on Friday, April 19 at 5:30 pm. We will be serving baked haddock, clam chowder, baked potato, green beans, and confetti cake! The cost is $10.00/per person. Please sign up no later than April 17!
Hanna’s Special Luncheon will be held at 12:00 pm on Monday, April 22! Hanna and friends will prepare a delicious lunch at the Senior Center. All are welcome, but reservations are needed. A $5.00 anonymous donation is suggested. Going forward, all special lunches on Mondays require advance sign-up and a donation of $5.00. This policy has been initiated by the COA Board of Directors. Donations will be refunded if you need to cancel in advance.
Conversational French is canceled for the month of April due to scheduling conflicts! See you in May!
Grocery Shopping trips will resume now that the weather has improved! Please call us to let us know if you would like to be included in a grocery shopping trip, which days are best for you, and which stores you would prefer.
We have a new Day Trip Policy. A $5.00 donation should be made when you sign up. This will secure your seat on the van. This donation is non-refundable.
Volunteers Needed! We are looking for people to volunteer for various positions. We need breakfast cooks, dishwashers, and wait staff. We also need help with the special lunches on Mondays and special events. You can sign up for a regular position or as a sub. Join our team!
RIDES: We provide free transportation for Rochester residents. Please call for a ride with one of our friendly drivers at least 24 hours in advance so we can schedule a driver!
Rides to medical appointments in Boston and Providence: Medical transportation to Boston or Providence is available for $5.00 via a grant program made available by Coastline Services. Call 508-992-5978 at least 2 weeks in advance!
Please contact us at the Senior Center at 508-763-8723 for more information or to make reservations for rides and/or events!