Rochester residents are cordially invited to attend a public informational forum on the Community Preservation Act (CPA), to be held at the Rochester Senior Center on Dexter Lane on Wednesday, November 13, at 7:00 pm.
The Rochester CPA committee, a group of Rochester citizens advocating for passage of the CPA, has organized this forum to help voters make a more informed decision about two articles concerning adoption of the CPA by the town of Rochester, scheduled to appear on the warrant at Rochester’s Special Town Meeting on Monday, November 25.
Presenters at the forum will include a representative of the nonprofit Community Preservation Coalition, as well as several residents of neighboring towns that have already adopted the CPA. They will share information on the costs and benefits of adopting the CPA, as well as on the types of local projects the CPA has helped their communities accomplish.
So come out, listen, and learn. Your decision on November 25 will be important to the future of Rochester. See you on Wednesday, November 13, at the Senior Center. Light refreshments will be served.