Is your library card peeling, tattered, or worn out from over-use? Have you lost your card, or never had one? Then September is your lucky month. We are replacing lost and worn-out library cards for free (usually costs a $2 fee) during the month of September. Bring your old library card to us and come away with a brand-new shiny one. We will also tell you how to download your library card to your phone or device via the SAILS Mobile app. With your library card, you can access our online services, check out books, DVDs, Wi-Fi hotspots, a telescope, MOBY backpacks and more.
Plumb Library is also offering Notary Public services. Call the library at 508-763-8600 to make an appointment with Library Assistant Jen Frasier, who is now a Notary Public. This service is offered free of charge.
Cafe Parlez, the Plumb Library Book Group, will meet on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30 pm either on the library grounds, or by Zoom, depending on the weather. We will be discussing the book “The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead. Copies are available at the library.