ORRHS to Host Accreditation Visit

Sixteen educators will conduct an on-site Accreditation of Old Rochester Regional High School starting on Sunday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 3. The Accreditation visit will be conducted under the direction of the Committee on Public Secondary Schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The visiting team will be chaired by Mr. Paul Daigle of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Daigle has extensive experience in the Association’s Accreditation process.

Principal Michael Devoll said, “The purpose of this Accreditation visit is to review and determine from an outside professional viewpoint the extent to which the school is aligning with the Standards for Accreditation. As part of the evaluation, the visiting team will meet with all school constituents, review the school’s self-study, visit a number of classes, and examine examples of student work submitted by the school. During the comprehensive self-study, the faculty attempted to identify the school’s strengths and determined those areas in which changes would be beneficial.”

Daigle, said, “Our purpose in visiting Old Rochester Regional High School is to assist the faculty in its pursuit of quality education for its students.”

Devoll pointed out, “The members of the visiting team are contributing their services to the school. This spirit of professional cooperation is one of the noted features of the New England Association. The goal of an Accreditation visit is to stimulate a continuing drive for improvement in the school.”

The members of the visiting team are teachers and administrators from a variety of schools in the Massachusetts area.

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges is a voluntary membership organization of more than 2,000 public schools, colleges and universities, independent schools, and vocational, technical, and career institutions. Of these, over 630 secondary schools have been accredited through the Association’s Commission on Public Schools. The Committee works with individual public schools to improve the quality of education through a continuous process of Accreditation and evaluation.

For more information, contact: Michael Devoll, Principal, Old Rochester Regional High School, Mattapoisett, 508-758-3745.

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