It took one voter making a motion at the Mattapoisett Congregational Church’s 2023 Annual Meeting, and a unanimous vote in favor, to set into motion a process to explore becoming an Open and Affirming Church. This meant that the Church would welcome people of all sextual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions into the full life and ministry of the congregation.
Over the next two years, working with dedicated Church members and the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ, the congregation began an extended period of discernment through education, in depth basic teaching of scripture, prayer, reflection and discussions as a church. During this time, the Church also improved its accessibility by upgrading and adding new lifts, installing doors accessible with push-button access, and more wheelchair spaces embedded into pews.
The two-year journey included a unanimous vote of the congregation at a 2024 special meeting, and the adoption of the ONA covenant. It culminated on Sunday, February 23rd, when the Church received its Certification and is now listed on the Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ and national UCC websites.
A favorite song of the Congregational Church is “All are Welcome Here” by Marty Haugen. We encourage everyone to come as you are.