•Dog Licensing – 2012 Dog Licenses are available during regular office hours. The dog’s rabies vaccination must be up to date and the certificate on file before a license will be issued, you can do this through the mail if you wish with a check made out to Town of Mattapoisett. The fee for a spayed or neutered dog is $9 and male or female is $12. If the owner of the dog is 70 or older there is not a charge for the license, but current rabies must be on file. A late fee of $10 is in effect as of June 1, 2012.
•Mooring, Wharf, Skiff Late Bills – Bills were mailed April 2, 2012 with a late fee of $50. Payments are due and payable by June 4, 2012. Privileges may be revoked if fees are not paid by that date.
•Annual Street Lists – The 2012 Annual Street Lists are now available. The fee is $10. They are on a first come, first serve basis. Last year they sold out very quickly so if you wish to have one please come into the office soon.