Mattapoisett Shellfishing Restrictions

The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries has notified Mattapoisett that shellfish growing in Mattapoisett Harbor no longer meet established criteria for the harvest of shellfish due to seasonal water quality changes. The closure went in effect on April 1, 2020.

            The closed area is defined as “Cove East of the Town Landing” in the official notification, and reads, “The waters and flats of that portion of Mattapoisett Harbor, east of the mouth of the river and south of a line drawn from the ‘No Shellfishing’ sign at the northern mouth of the Mattapoisett River to the ‘No Shellfishing’ sign at the eastern entrance to the cove.”

            The area will remain closed between April 1 and December 31, 2020. On January 1, 2021 the area will revert to open status for shellfishing. For more information contact Kathy Massey, Animal Control and Shellfish Officer at 508-209- 4931.

One Response to “Mattapoisett Shellfishing Restrictions”

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  1. Harrison A Harding says:

    What areas are open for shellfishing for quahogs in Mattapoisett

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