The Mattapoisett Lions Club, a member of Lions International consisting of 45,000 clubs and more than 1.3 million members worldwide making this the world’s largest service club organization, is pleased to announce two $2,500 scholarships to be awarded this year to graduating high school or home-schooled students residing in Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester.
The funds for this Award are raised through fundraisers held by the Mattapoisett Lions Club throughout the year, including Harbor Days, an annual Arts and Craft Festival held in Shipyard Park every third week-end of July and attended by up to 10,000 people.
The Lion’s Club motto is “We Serve,” and one of the largest charitable causes of Lion’s International includes raising funds for eye research in an effort to end preventable blindness throughout the world and providing services for those in need in our community.
To qualify, a graduating student or home-schooled student shall be enrolled in their first year of a recognized school of higher education, must be a resident of the Tri-Town area, and have demonstrated service to the community.
To obtain an application, learn more about this Award, or to learn how to become a member of the Lions Club, visit our website Award applications are available through the guidance department at your high school.
Applications must be received by March 26, 2016.