Mattapoisett Historical Commission

The Mattapoisett Historical Commission is pleased to announce that Phase One of the multi-phase community-wide survey of the Town of Mattapoisett’s historic and cultural resources has been completed by preservation consultant, Lynn Smiledge. The project was funded by a grant from the Community Preservation Act and the Massachusetts Historical Commission.

            Identification and documentation of historic resources is the foundation of community preservation. The survey identifies buildings and structures that are historically and architecturally significant in the history and development of the community. The goal of the survey was to document representative historic resources from major themes in the development of Mattapoisett including agricultural, maritime, commercial, institutional, and an undocumented resource from an underrepresented community. The survey thoroughly documented 112 properties, which included three area forms and 75 individual resources. Additionally, five properties were recommended as eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

            The inventory forms have been submitted to the Massachusetts Historical Commission where they are in the process of being scanned and placed on an easily accessible database, MACRIS. (Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System) The forms will also be available in hard copy at the Mattapoisett Public Library and on the Mattapoisett Historical Commission website.

            A Historic Property Survey Plan, completed in January of 2023, identified approximately 300 high priority resources. The Historical Commission is currently moving forward with Phase Two of the survey and has contracted with Lynn Smiledge to document an additional 100 resources. This project is being funded by a grant from the CPA, and it is expected to be completed in the summer of 2025.

            Mattapoisett has an amazing and diverse history. The Historical Commission looks forward to sharing this history with the community.

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