Sunday Hours at the Library: The Mattapoisett Library is now open Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm until Memorial Day. Stop in to read the Sunday newspapers, use the computers, or browse the collection. Students: Get some extra help with homework or finding the material you need for your upcoming school project.
Food Sensitivity and Intestinal Health: On Tuesday, September 30 at 6:30 pm, registered nurse Pamela Ferro will discuss the effects of food sensitivities and intestinal health on the behavior, socialization and cognition of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Recent research documents ways that dietary changes can support positive outcomes. Parents and professionals are encouraged to attend. Ferro is the co-founder of Hopewell Associates. Inc. Register by calling 508-758-4171.
How Much Stress is Too Much for Our Children? Join school psychologist Joel Ristuccia on Wednesday, October 1 at 6:30 pm to learn more about how much stress IS too much, what is healthy stress, and how stress and anxiety affect our children’s school performance and general well being. He will explore new research on the affects of stress on children and what we can do to make needed changes. Parents, grandparents and school staff are encouraged to attend this free program which will be followed by time for questions. Childcare will be provided in the library. Call 508-758-4171 to register.
Library Resources for Parents and Professionals: Thanks to a generous grant from The Phyllis McGillicuddy Charitable Trust, the library has acquired many new materials for families whose children have special concerns. These new books and other materials may be just what parents are looking for to answer questions about health, school and particular families concerns. Join the library staff on Sunday, September 21 from 3:00 to 3:45 pm or Tuesday, September 23 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm to get an orientation to these new books, websites, and apps. Register by calling 508-758-4171.
First Day Jitters? Take Our New StoryWalk! A new StoryWalk has been set up on the grounds of the library for all to enjoy whether the library is open or closed. First Day Jitters (Mrs. Hartwell’s Class Adventures) by Julie Dannenberg wraps all around the library and will remain through the end of the month.
It’s GAME ON! Students are invited to the library on Friday, September 19 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm to have fun with X-Box Kinect video games on the big screen! Also on hand will be plenty of board games, card games, and snacks. Bring your friends!
Caregivers Wanted: Jobs Available! Do you have the compassion and heart to become a caregiver? The staff from Home Instead Senior CareÒ will be at the library on September 11 at 11:00 am to tell you more about employment opportunities working for their agency. They are now hiring for non-medical care positions to serve seniors in the southcoast area. More details about the positions and benefits will be available, as well as instructions for applying. No medical experience is necessary and training is provided.
Fall Story Time Registration: Sign your child or grandchild up for the upcoming eight-week story time session by stopping by the children’s room or calling 508-758-4171 beginning Tuesday, September 16. Story times for toddlers will begin Tuesday, September 30 from 10:30 to 11:00 am. Preschool story times will be held beginning Thursday, October 2 and Friday, October 3 from 10:30 to 11:15 am. For more information, please call the children’s library staff.