On April 4, 2018, the Mattapoisett Council on Aging Board of Directors conducted their Annual Meeting. At this meeting, the election of officers for 2018 took place. Elected for the coming year were Deb Dahill, Chairperson; Rachel McGourthy, Vice Chairperson; Ken Watts, Secretary; and Susan Roylance, Treasurer.
The Board also adopted the following Goals for 2018 based on the results of our 2017 Community Survey:
- Presenting education programs on elder law, estate planning, retirement planning and long-term care planning.
- Conducting an annual SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders) Presentation.
- Working with other community agencies to identify homebound elders.
- Promoting the COA mission and programs to the community at large.
In addition, the Board adjusted their Mission Statement to support its Goals and Objectives. The approved Mission Statement now reads:
“The mission of Mattapoisett Council on Aging is to support seniors and their families with advocacy, programs and activities, services, education and information, working in cooperation with other agencies and organizations, as appropriate.”
Board positions have become available. There is no age requirement to be a Board Member. If you are interested in assisting our elder community and you would like to apply to be a Council on Aging Board Member, please contact Jackie Coucci at 508-758-4110.