The Town of Marion’s Stewards of Community Open Space will be hosting a Public Information Session on Thursday, November 1at 7:00 pm at the Marion Police Station Conference Room to share the results of the recent Marion Open Space and Recreation Survey conducted by the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission.
Results from the Marion Open Space and Recreation Survey will help inform the creation of a new Marion Open Space and Recreation Plan as part of the Town of Marion’s Master Plan. The last Marion Open Space and Recreation Plan was developed in 2005.
The Stewards of Community Open Space have been working with Bill Napolitano, Environmental Program Director, and Grant King, Director of Comprehensive Planning & Housing, from the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD) to develop a new Marion Open Space and Recreation Plan. Napolitano and King will share results from the recent Marion Open Space and Recreation Survey on Thursday, November 1 as part of the planning process for the new Marion Open Space and Recreation Plan. The public is encouraged to attend this Public Information Session to share their comments and ideas about shaping a new Marion Open Space and Recreation Plan.
The Stewards of Community Open Space was formed by the Town of Marion in 2017 and is made up of representatives from the Conservation Commission, Marine Resources Commission, Marion Pathways Committee, Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission, Planning Board, Recreation Department, Tree & Parks Commission, Trustees of Washburn Park, and Sippican Lands Trust. The purpose of the Stewards of Community Open Space (SoCOS) is to develop, maintain, and advocate for a comprehensive and integrated plan for the use and management of open space land in Marion.