Marion’s Music Hall Advisory Committee recently said good-bye to two devoted and loyal members at the time of their retirement. The Board of Selectmen created the Advisory Committee in 2001 following an exhaustive review of the historic building’s condition. The charge to the newly-formed advisory board was to provide recommendations to the selectmen on the management and maintenance of the Music Hall as one of Marion’s finest historic landmarks.
Sheila Converse was one of the original members of the committee, serving for 15 years. A renowned musician and advocate for the arts in Marion, Sheila was proactive in making the Music Hall a vibrant venue for concerts, lectures, historic films, and dramatic productions. She was very engaged in the staging of the Elizabeth Taber Gala in October 2015, called “Our Fair Lady,” which highlighted the life of the town’s benefactress. The Board of Selectmen and the Advisory Committee recently hosted a “Thank You” luncheon in Sheila’s honor.
Phyllis Washburn served as chairman of the Advisory Committee for the last 14 years, artfully overseeing many projects that included the renovation of the Elizabeth Taber Reading Room, painting and facelifting the interior rooms, the installation of the flagpole at the entrance, and a new roof. Phyllis hails from one of Marion’s oldest and most revered families. On Saturday, November 19, Phyllis was honored at a Reception at the Music Hall and she unveiled a bench that was installed at the entrance of the historic building to commemorate her years of service.