This will be a busy year as there will be two Primaries and two Elections in Marion. The dates are as follows:
-Presidential Primary: Tuesday, March 5
-Marion Town Election: Friday, May 17
-State Primary: Tuesday, September 3
-State (Presidential) Election: Tuesday, November 5
Within the next two weeks, the State will be mailing postcards to every registered voter in Massachusetts giving you the option of voting by mail for all three of the State Elections and Primaries and the Marion Town Election in 2024. Please note: the Post Office cannot legally forward this postcard to your “temporary” address if you leave Marion for the winter, so you will need to go online to to request a mail in ballot(s). If you are not enrolled in one of the 3 Political Parties (Democratic, Republican or Libertarian), you must indicate which party ballot you would like to receive for the Presidential Primary and the State Primary; otherwise we will only send ballots for the local election and November election since they are nonpartisan.
If you are in the Military or living overseas, please email the Town Clerk’s Office regarding getting a ballot or request one thru as the process has changed to ensure greater ballot security.
Nomination papers are available for the Marion Town Election. They will be due back on Monday March 25 by 5:00 pm. The open seats are as follows:
-Board of Assessors (1)
-Board of Health (1)
-Select Board (1)
-Marion School Committee (2)
-Moderator (1)
-Open Space Acquisition Commission (1)
-Planning Board (2)
Please return your annual census (street list) and license your dog (cats are not required to be licensed in Massachusetts.)