Marion Recreation New Yoga Class

Marion Recreation is starting a new Yoga Class on Monday, November 18. The class will run each Monday 9:30 – 10:30 am at the Marion Recreation Department located at 13 Atlantis Drive. Instructor Tim Donohue holds the yoga classes at Silvershell Beach every summer. He is offering this class for all levels, including beginners. The focus will be on improving flexibility, building muscular strength, exploring new ways to cope with stress, and finding your inner peace. Drop in fee is $12 or you may purchase a class card of six classes for the cost of five. Bring a mat and a positive attitude. Any questions, please contact Tim Donohue at (508) 525-9800 or

One Response to “Marion Recreation New Yoga Class”

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  1. Kathleen Gaffey says:

    I am very interested in taking a yoga class in Marion. I would like to know if this is being offered again this fall or winter?

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