The Marion Historical Commission is moving forward with Phase 4 of our survey of the town’s historic and architecturally significant properties. This program is funded through the Community Preservation Act.
Our consultant, Lynn Smiledge, will focus this phase of work primarily on Converse and Moorings Road, Delano Road, Point Road, Allen’s Point Road, West Drive and Planting Island. Since a number of properties are not visible from a public way, the Town has authorized her access to private driveways or roads in order to photograph and take notes for her descriptions as she completes the Inventory Form B in accordance with Massachusetts Historical Commission standards.
We request your understanding if this may be the case on your property. A letter from the Town Administrator is being sent to owners of properties to be inventoried.
The survey work will be scheduled during the months of September and October. Lynn will have a Town ID Badge and an authorization letter from the Town, should you wish to share information about your property with her while she is conducting her field work.
Any questions or concerns may be directed to Geoffrey Gorman, Town Administrator, at or 508-748-3550.