Marion Complete Streets Program

Marion’s Transportation and Circulation Task Force (a subcommittee of the Planning Board) and the Board of Selectmen are pleased to announce that the town has achieved Tier 2 status in the Complete Streets Program. This milestone qualifies Marion to apply for grants of up to $400,000 per year for projects that improve town-owned roads, sidewalks, and bikeways and provide better pedestrian conditions. Marion is only one of seven towns on the southeast coast and Cape and Islands to have Tier 2 status.

            Marion began the journey through this infrastructure funding process by passing a Complete Streets Policy document in February 2018. The Town then applied for and received a planning grant to develop a “Prioritization Plan,” which lists a variety of transportation projects that can be proposed to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for funding.

            The Transportation and Circulation Task Force with support from the Board of Selectmen and Marion residents developed a list of 26 projects based on the needs stated in the 2017 Marion Master Plan. Projects were prioritized according to a list of desired criteria, such as safety, improved walkability/bikeability, handicap accessibility, and enhanced circulation. The planning grant provided funding to develop the details and cost estimates for each project.

            Last week, the Prioritization Plan was approved by MassDOT elevating Marion to Tier 2 status. The town is now eligible to apply for construction funds twice a year, in October and May. The Transportation and Circulation Task Force and the Board of Selectmen will request funds for a variety of transportation improvements that will encourage safer driving, walking, and biking.

            Please see the MassDOT Complete Streets website for more information on the program: Questions? Contact Marion’s Town Planner, Gil Hilario at

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