“New England Shores” and “Remembrance – the Pink Chair Project,” by Georgetown, Mass. artist Lynne Schulte, will be shown at the Marion Art Center from October 4 to November 15. The Marion Art Center is located at 80 Pleasant (the corner of Pleasant and Main Streets) in Marion. A reception honoring the artist will be hosted by Art Center members and their guests on Friday, October 4 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
“New England Shores,” showing in the Cecil Clark Davis Gallery, is an exhibition of oil paintings of coastal images from the shores of Massachusetts and Maine. They range from artifacts of the working waterfront or seaside parks to images that show the pure beauty of sea and sky.
“Remembrance – the Pink Chair Project,” which will be installed in the Patsy Francis Gallery, is a love story and celebrates the memory of Lynne Schulte’s mother in moving and beautiful images. Lynne sensed her mother’s presence while painting an Adirondack chair of her mother’s favorite color – bright, knock-your-socks-off pink. After the initial surprise of that experience, Lynne began placing the chair into various locations that had special meaning to the artist or her mother. In this way, the artist has created a cohesive body of work that shines both as individual paintings and as a sensitive and powerful grouping.
Each pink chair painting has a story. As she painted, Lynne understood more about her mother, about her relationship with her mother, and herself. These stories are written and posted with the paintings. Gallery visitors are invited to participate in the project by sitting in the “Pink Chair,” posting a note to a loved one, or by writing a longer excerpt in the Remembrance book.
“Remembrance – The Pink Chair Project” is currently traveling and will have future stops in Marblehead Public Library (Dec 2013/Jan 2014), Provident Bank, Amesbury (March/April 2014), Lark Rising Gallery, Rockport (May 2014), and will have its final showing at the Exeter, New Hampshire Hospital in June/August 2014.
Both plein aire and studio oil paintings of Lynne’s have their beginning in an observed object or setting, either from nature or the built environment, and are concerned with place and narrative. Paintings speak of a one-time experience or coalesce into a series of connected stories. Through all, the artist responds to the transforming power of the light and to the internal energies of nature.
The Marion Art Center, a nonprofit organization, is open to the public and there is no charge for admittance. Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Friday from 1:00 to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information about this exhibition and all MAC events, please visit www.marionartcenter.org or call 508-748-1266.