The Mattapoisett Lions Club is willing to sponsor any student of high school age (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade) who would like to participate in the 2020 Massachusetts Lions Club Speech Contest. The purpose of the contest is to provide an opportunity for public speaking on a topic of interest to contestants and community members. The 2020 topic is “What is Heroism?”
The local Mattapoisett Lions competition will be held on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:00 pm at American Legion, 3 Depot Street, Mattapoisett. Each speech should be no less than 5 minutes and no longer than 7 minutes in length.
The top 3 contestants of the local contest will receive cash awards of $100 (1st place), $75 (2nd place), and $50 (3rd place).
The winner of the local contest will advance to the Lions Zone Competition (date TBD), then the winner of the Zone Competition will compete in Regionals (date TBD), then the winner of Regionals will compete in Districts (January 10th, 2020), and then the winner of Districts will move to the final State Competition (date TBD). Cash awards will also be presented to the winners of the zone, regional, district, and state level competitions.
To acquire an entry form, please contact Lynne Foley at 508-505-1587 or email by Friday, October 11.