Earlier this year, Bob and Judy Rosbe traveled to Myanmar, an enigmatic country in Southeast Asia, formerly known as Burma. Until the British invaded the country in 1885 and re-named it Burma, little was known about the classical civilization located there. As a British colony, the country gained recognition in literary works by George Orwell (Burmese Days) and Rudyard Kipling (“Mandalay”). In World War II, it was overrun by the Japanese who in turn were driven out by combined American, British, and Chinese forces. The famed U.S. “Merrill’s Marauders” spearheaded the effort. After WWII, the British granted total independence to Burma. The country was thereafter ruled by a military government and isolated from the world for more than 60 years. Finally in 2011, in order to secure a relaxation of economic sanctions against the country and to encourage foreign investment, Myanmar started down a path toward democracy and was formally opened to tourists in 2011. As the poorest state in Southeast Asia, Myanmar has a long way to go to become a modern country. But tourists can now enjoy an exotic culture of golden stupas, red-robed monks, and elaborately carved teak palaces.
Join us on Wednesday evening, December 11, at 7:00 pm at the Music Hall, as the Rosbes talk about their travels to Myanmar and show slides of their journey.
This lecture is in partnership with the Sippican Historical Society; it is free and open to the public.