Historic District Survey

The Marion Village Historic District Study Committee met on March 11 to tabulate and report out the results of their recent survey of town residents regarding a proposed local historic district bylaw.

            The survey was conducted at the request of several village property owners at the Study Committee’s public meetings in January and February. The primary intent was to assess the level of interest in creating a historic district among those most directly affected by it: property owners in the district.

            There are a total of 201 properties in the proposed district. Upon final tally of 101 votes from within the proposed district, the results were 50 in favor, 45 against, 6 maybe.

            In addition, out of district ballots were received from 48 people: 42 in favor, 6 against.

            The Study Committee has submitted the survey results to the Select Board with a request to move forward by placing the bylaw on the warrant for a Town Meeting vote. The bylaw would require a 2/3 majority vote at Town Meeting to be adopted.

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