Halloween Card Making Workshop

Dannie Engwert is a professional card maker who has distributed her work in Japan, at Harrod’s in England and all over the United States. Dannie is a fiber artist who turned to collage card making to use up scraps of fabric. She has been making cards for the last 20 years. Dannie will share her talents and offer a workshop at the Council on Aging in Marion, 465 Mill Street on Friday, October 13 at 1:00 pm. She will demonstrate several of her techniques. One is iris folding, which is the placement of folded strips of paper within a cutout shape. Collage is another technique she will share which involves different textures and glue to make a design of your choice.

            Instruction and a demonstration will be offered, and patterns and materials will be distributed for you to create your own work of art. Dannie will circulate the room offering assistance.

            All are welcome to attend. Bring a friend. Bring a grandchild.

            Registration for this workshop is required. Call 508-748-3570 to save a space.

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