FISH Volunteers

FISH is an acronym for Friends in Service Helping.  We are strictly a volunteer service.  We provide rides for our elderly residents who cannot drive anymore to medical appointments.  We service our Mattapoisett residents with help getting to medical appointments from home to Wareham, Marion, Fairhaven, New Bedford and Dartmouth.

FISH has serviced Mattapoisett for over 30 years and would like to continue to serve.  We are in need of more volunteers.  We need callers and drivers.  If you have a little time you could spare during the month, please consider volunteering with FISH.  You are never locked into any date, the time if your choice.

To become a volunteer or to receive more information, call Jacquie McGraw at 508-758-9278 or contact the Mattapoisett Council on Aging.

One Response to “FISH Volunteers”

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  1. Dale Behler says:

    I was very interested in reading this FISH website. I have been a volunteer driver since 1998 for FISH of Plymouth-
    Canton in Michigan which is located between Ann Arbor and Detroit. We were organized in 1972. Good to see there are other FISH voluntees like you providing a valuable service to their community. Keep up the good work there in Mattapoisett, MA.

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