Elizabeth Taber Library Announces Extended Hours

When so many public institutions are cutting back, it’s heartwarming to see one expand its service. The Elizabeth Taber Library in Marion is doing just that. Starting January 3, the library will open at 9:30 am instead of 10:00 am on Monday through Friday.

“We know people need to use our computers and other services even more in this challenging economy,” said Judie Kleven, the Library’s executive director. “We hope the extra half hour will help our patrons. People depend on the Library to provide so much more than checking out books and DVDs.”

That means the Elizabeth Taber Library is open 53 hours every week to serve the community with e-book lending and instruction; computer and Wi-Fi access; children’s programing; research assistance; adult book clubs and writing groups; copy and fax service; as well as the local pickup location for the Sails Library Network of 73 Massachusetts libraries.

The extended hours are in addition to being open until 8:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The library closes at 5:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and is also open on the weekends. Winter hours are 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sunday.

Check out all the special events and programs at www.ElizabethTaberLibrary.org.

One Response to “Elizabeth Taber Library Announces Extended Hours”

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  1. Peter Converse says:

    This is good news! The extra two and a half hours every week is a gift to the Town of Marion, and shows the commitment the library and it supporters in the Marion Library Association have made to provide the best possible service to all of us. Thanks Judie, Rosemarie, Donna, and Madeline!

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