Elizabeth Taber Library

The Elizabeth Taber Library, in partnership with the Marion Garden Group, has kicked off a seed saving and lending program this May! Community members may “checkout” seeds for free from the Elizabeth Taber Library. The idea is that you plant the seeds, let some go to seed, and then return some of these next generation seeds for others to borrow. For more information, please call us at 508-748-1252 or stop into the library for some material on this new program.

Elizabeth Taber Library’s Annual Open House will be held on Thursday, June 1 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Drop in sometime between 3:00 – 5:00 pm for light refreshments, flyers on our free services and friendly staff to answer any questions you might have! We also encourage you to take a walk through our charming library to see all the wonderful changes we’ve made.

There will be loads of activities for families such as Lego building, coloring, and a seed planting craft to promote our new Seed Lending Library! For more information, please call us at 508-748-1252.

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