Early Childhood Winter Playgroups

The Early Childhood Office will be hosting winter playgroups! Come and join the fun!

Our young toddler playgroup is open to children between the ages of 11 months through 3 years old. Children will take part in many fun activities related to the season that will keep your little one busy. You will learn fun songs, finger plays, and will take home many great ideas to do with your toddler. This is an eight-week event running on Tuesday mornings, 9:30 – 11:00 am, January 5 through March 1.

Our preschool playgroup is open to 3- and 4-year olds. Explore socialization topics such as sharing, taking turns, cooperative play, etc. Each class session includes music and movement, free play, games, educational activities, story time, and snack. Children must be completely toilet trained in order to attend. This is an eight-week event running on Friday mornings, 9:00 – 10:15 am, January 8 through March 11.

Both playgroups meet at the Old Hammondtown School and cost $35 per family for the eight-week session. Registration is required. Please contact the Early Childhood Office at 508-748-1863to register.

One Response to “Early Childhood Winter Playgroups”

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  1. Joanne Hickey says:

    Will this group be starting up again at Old Hammond Town? 2019/2020

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