Last year, just before Christmas, John (Jack) Richard Nakashian physically completed his Eagle Scout service project, a 160-foot elevated walkway on the White Eagle Trail at the end of Parlowtown Road in Marion. The service project is one of the final requirements to reach the Eagle Scout rank.
On November 26, and after serving 12 years between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, Jack was publicly recognized by Troop 32 of Marion in a Court of Honor for meeting all the requirements to achieve the Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. Participants in the ceremony included many Marion residents. Paul St. Don, Troop 32 Scoutmaster, performed the role of Master of Ceremony and read the Eagle Scout Rank Charge that included the actual awarding of the Eagle Scout rank badge. Jack Gordon, Troop 32 Eagle Scout, read the Eagle Scout Challenge. Robert Pereira, Troop 32 Committee Chairman, as an Eagle Scout recipient himself read the welcome to Eagle Scout Rank. Peter Winters, representing the First Congregational Church of Marion, awarded Jack a citation from United States Senator Elizabeth Warren. In Jack’s speech following his award, he gave recognition to all the scout leaders who have kept Troop 32 Marion alive over the years that Jack was in scouting.
Jack is now attending college at Massachusetts Maritime Academy and studying Marine Engineering where, as Jack pointed out in his speech, he is surrounded by many former Scouts, many of them Eagle Scouts.
A portion of the ceremony included merit badge and rank-ups awards for the Troop 32 Marion Scouts who are currently on their trail to the Eagle Scout rank.