Candidates Sought for 4th Annual ‘Miss Inspirational’ Program

Young women and girls with special needs and disabilities from across the state will once again grace the stage and amaze the audience at the 4th Annual Miss Inspirational Program to be held at the Old Rochester Regional High School auditorium in Mattapoisett on Saturday, May 11, at 6:00 pm.

            With overwhelming feedback and requests to make this an annual event, proceeds from this year’s Miss Inspirational Program ticket sales will once again benefit Boston Children’s Hospital.

            Hosted by Mattapoisett resident and former Miss Massachusetts, Jillian Zucco, the event is designed to be a confidence-builder focusing on ability and empowerment. Her goal is to give girls and young women with special needs the same opportunity she had available to her—a pageant-like program that offers the opportunity to tell the community their story, to demonstrate their grace and confidence in a beautiful dress or evening gown, and to showcase their talent, unique ability, or something they are proud of in front of a large audience. And in doing so, she hopes to raise public awareness of our “differently abled” population.

            Zucco, a 2016 Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Honors Nursing Program at UMASS Dartmouth, is now working as a registered nurse for SouthCoast Health. Inspired by the special bond she has with her disabled cousin and her 8 years working as a personal care attendant for girls with varying levels of disability through the Cerebral Palsy of MA organization, Zucco wants the public to be more sensitive and embracing of those with special needs.

            “Individuals with special needs want the same things we all do. They want and deserve to be included socially.” Zucco feels that by highlighting the participants’ abilities and celebrating their achievements, the program will create a community that is embracing of difference and more understanding of their needs. “There is really so much we can learn from them if we simply pay attention.” She feels this program not only helps make us a better society by facilitating understanding and appreciation of their challenges and abilities, but it promises to help the participants take pride in their accomplishments and to walk (or wheel) confidently among us.

            Admission to watch the show is $12 if you purchase online through (available through May 6 only) or $15 at the door, pending availability. The auditorium will open to the public at 5:30 pm. Refreshments, raffles, and Chinese auction will be available in the foyer. To register to participate, or for more information, email or visit

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