People of all faiths are invited to a special Blessing of the Animals Saturday Service at 5:00 pm on May 7. The service will be held at The First Congregational Church of Marion Community Center, 144 Front Street (rear of parking lot).
Friendly and well-behaved animals are welcome to attend the service officiated by Rev. Liz Brimm of Mattapoisett. Animals must be under control on leashes or in carriers. If you are not able to bring your animal to the service, you are invited to bring a photo to represent your pet. Children can bring a favorite stuffed animal.
The Missions and Outreach Committee is asking those who attend the service to bring dog or cat food to be donated to Damien’s Pantry in Wareham. Pets are an important part of people’s lives, and financial situations sometimes make it hard to provide for their pet’s needs.
The mood of these Saturday Services is upbeat and engaging. Casual dress is encouraged. Song lyrics are projected on a screen so that the congregation can enjoy the contemporary music.
Please join us each Saturday at 5:00 pm at The First Congregational Church of Marion Community Center, 144 Front Street (rear of parking lot). In addition, each Sunday at 10:00 am there is a service in the Sanctuary located at 28 Main Street.
Whether you are looking for a new church home or you just want to pay us a friendly visit, we welcome you at each of these services. Fellowship and refreshments follow each service. At the Blessing of the Animals Service, there will also be dog biscuits and cat treats for pets.