Assistive Hearing Technology Comes to Cushing

The Friends of Marion Council on Aging is pleased to announce new technology is now available at the Cushing Community Center on Route 6 for anyone experiencing hearing loss. This new ADA-compliant technology has been installed after identifying the need to support those with hearing disabilities at the COA. The new dual-zone, state-of-the-art technology includes a new public-address system along with FM hearing-aid technology allowing personalized support to listeners. Individuals with advanced T-coil hearing aids will discover their devices are compatible with this system. Those without T-coils will have the alternative of easy-to-use earphone aids. You won’t need a hearing aid to use it. Help is available for everyone on use of this equipment. The Cushing Community Center houses the Marion Council on Aging and the town’s Recreation Department.

            By partnering with the town to provide this ADA-compliant technology for public use, benefits are realized not only by seniors but by all residents of the town. In recent years, the Friends worked closely with the town and led other organizations and individuals to finance and install many capital improvements at the center including the outdoor pavilion, the walking path and much of the landscaping. These improvements benefit seniors and the broader community alike.

            The Friends of Marion COA, Inc. is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operated entirely by volunteers. For more information, or to learn more about this organization, please visit their website at

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