Almost Spring ‘Bikes for All’ Bike Drive

Bikes for All has continued with its mission to make sure that everyone who wants a bike can get one. Throughout the past four years, generous donations from our community members have enabled our volunteers to refurbish and distribute over 200 bicycles. With the help of school counselors and local non-profits, the bikes have been distributed to children and adults throughout Mattapoisett, Rochester, Marion, Fairhaven and New Bedford.

            This collaborative effort of the Friends of the Mattapoisett Bicycle and Recreational Path (the Friends) and the South Coast Bikeway Alliance has shared resources for all to enjoy the natural beauty and extra health benefits from cycling on our beautiful 10-mile bike path that connects Mattapoisett to New Bedford. “It’s been exciting to see the smiles as kids pedal off to try their new bikes. Our current need is bikes with wheels 20 inches or greater. We are not in need of children’s bikes at this time,” said Friends board member Jane Finnerty.

            Our almost spring Bikes for All bike drive is Saturday, March 8, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please bring your donation to the back of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church, in the parking lot on Barstow Street, across from the Center School in Mattapoisett. We are in need of gently used bikes that you would like to donate. Once again, bikes with wheels 20 inches or greater are solely needed.

            The next step is refurbishing the donated bikes. A welcome addition to the refurbishing efforts was made by students from Tabor Academy. As part of their community service, students worked with our primary refurbishing team members Bill Emmons and Jim Finnerty. Bill Trimble, owner of “On the Spot” mobile bike-repair service, joined the Friends’ team and has brought new life to many bicycles over the past two years. The “Bills” assess the bikes to be repaired. And thanks to the ongoing commitment of the Friends to ensure everyone has a bike who wants one, the Southcoast Bikeway Alliance has received a grant from the United Way of Greater New Bedford Changemaker Fund to expand the program. Once the assessment is complete, the financial support from these local non-profits ensure that we have all the needed parts and tools to work with on each bike. The bike refurbishing team is always expanding and looking for more community members to join our efforts.

            Once again, the Bikes for All team is seeking gently used bikes. Please, none with excessive rust or damage. Interested in helping our repair efforts? Contact Jane Finnerty at 631-312-2560 or email Cash donations for parts and safety accessories are always welcome. Donations can be made to the Friends of the Mattapoisett Bicycle and Recreational Path, PO Box 1336, Mattapoisett, MA 02739. Please note that your donation is for Bikes for All.

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