With two feet of snow on the ground and hours spent shoveling in sub-freezing temperatures, it’s difficult to think of summer, but that’s exactly what the members of the Mattapoisett Lions Club have been doing! Members of the Club are hard at work planning another great Harbor Days event. So save the dates! The weeklong festivities kick off on Sunday, July 17 with the Triathlon and culminate on Sunday, July 21 at 4:00 pm with our U-Pick-Em Auction.
This wonderful event is made possible due to all the hard work of our volunteers: high school football players, the Boys Scouts, members of other Lions Clubs and our own, the town departments and the general public.
100 percent of the proceeds from Harbor Days and all of our events go to support local causes such as helping those in need, providing scholarships to local students and supporting eye research.
New members are always welcome! Visit our website at www.mattapoisettlionsclub.org and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!